LPPDE, 2023 - April

Half-day Virtual Summit


Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 

April 13, 2023

Thursday - Virtual Conference 

Exchange in a Digital World!

Exchange Following the spirit of Lean Product & Process Development EXCHANGE there will be good possibilities to Exchange knowledge with other attendees as well as with the speakers. 

After each presentation, we have a session +Reflections and interaction where you will reflect and interact on the learnings from the presenter. 

We end the virtual LPPDE with some final reflections and remarks and hope the Exchange will continue on our LinkedIn site

International Thought Leaders

Joe Justice

Joe Justice

Authored Scrum Master (book), created eXtreme Manufacturing, founded WIKISPEED, Agile Business Institute

Ramakrishnan Raman

Ramakrishnan Raman


Henrik Sonnenberg

Henrik Sonnenberg

Implement Consulting Group

Maria Hansson

Maria Hansson

Volvo Cars

Half-day virtual summit, only 99 € + VAT 24% if applicable.

Pay for 3 virtual summits (recording or live), only 250 € + VAT 24% if applicable

Pay for Full Year (10 virtual summits, Live and Recordings), only 700 € + VAT 24% if applicable

Registrations through Lean Association of Finland:

Thursday, April 13, 2023 Virtual Conference


1:00PM GMT

Microsoft Teams Conference

Welcome and Instructions

By Juha Tammi & Peter Palmér

1:05pm GMT

Microsoft Teams Conference

"Extreme manufacturing” - Scrum for hardware

Joe Justice

Authored Scrum Master (book), created eXtreme Manufacturing, founded WIKISPEED, Agile Business Institute


1:45pm GMT



1:50PM GMT

Microsoft Teams Conference

AI Machine Learning Models for Aiding System
Architecture Design Decisions

Ramakrishnan Raman



2:30pm GMT

Breakout rooms - Reflections and interaction


2:40pm GMT

Reflections and questions to the speakers


2:50pm GMT



3:05PM GMT

Microsoft Teams Conference

Hybrid Agile & The Missing Link

Henrik Sonnenberg

Implement Consulting Group


3:45pm GMT

Short Break


3:50PM GMT

Microsoft Teams Conference

Change Management to Succeed with a Transformation

Maria Hansson

Volvo Cars


4:30pm GMT

Breakout rooms - Reflections and interactions


4:40pm GMT

Reflections and questions to the speaker


4:50pm GMT

Final reflections and remarks


By Juha Tammi & Peter Palmér


5:00pm GMT


We are bringing our 2023 speakers to you!

Download the Program

Presentation Abstracts and Presenter Bios

Peter Palmér, LPPDE and Juha Tammi, Lean Association of Finland

Peter and Juha represent the two organization who organize these virtual online events and will moderate the Virtual Summit.

Joe Justice, Authored Scrum Master (book), created eXtreme Manufacturing, founded WIKISPEED, Agile Business Institute, eXtreme Manufacturing (XM) Scrum for Hardware

Joe Justice, Authored Scrum Master (book), created eXtremeManufacturing, founded WIKISPEED, Agile Business Institute –eXtremeManufacturing (XM) –Scrum for Hardware
XM emphasizes the ability to create products rapidly and integrate changes fast into existing products. XM is a collection of principles and patterns to help you create and adapt products quickly.

Scrum for hardware, benefits establishing capability to be able to make builds instantly. To get instant feedback on hypotheses through small experiments. Builds and experiments are the transition cost driving the total product development cost (time).

Joe Justice et al highlights ten principles and patterns of eXtremeManufacturing:
1.Optimize for change
2.Object-Oriented, Modular Architecture
3.Test Driven Development (Red, Green, Refactor)
4.Contract-First Design
5.Iterate the Design
6.Agile Hardware Design Patterns
7.Continuous Integration Development
8.Continuously Deployed Development
9.Scaling Patterns
10.Partner Patterns

Joe Justice is author of Scrum Master, published in 7 languages. Joe has worked with Bill Gates, the leadership team at Amazon, and operated the Agile program at Tesla for Elon Musk. Joe founded WIKISPEED which became an example of automotive design and production speed in a fun, egalitarian culture. Joe enjoys collaborating as a board member, writing, teaching, and running companies to make a good future arrive faster.

Joe works globally as an interim executive for Scrum in Hardware, bringing multinational companies twice the work in half the time. His teams have held 3 world records. He is a TEDx speaker, guest lecturer at both MIT and Oxford University in England, featured in Forbes 5 times to date including as owner of a “Company to watch” by Forbes Billionaire Club, cited in more than 5 business paperbacks and hardcovers, the subject of a Discovery Channel mini-documentary for his work creating the discipline Scrum in Hardware while working directly with the co-creator of Scrum, Dr. Jeff Sutherland.

Joe has worked with all ofthe top 3 military and defense contractors, autonomous and smart road technologies, ultra-lightweight structures, guest lectured at UC Berkeley, MIT, on behalf of Carnegie Melon, CU Denver, The University of Washington, spoken at Google, Microsoft, Zynga, Lockheed Martin, HP Labs, The Royal Bank of Canada, Pictetbank, and others. Joe’s work has been featured in Forbes, Harvard Business Review, CNN Money, the Discovery Channel, and others.

carolyn carter LPPDE

Ramakrishnan Raman, Fellow, Honeywell –AI -Machine Learning Models for Aiding System Architecture Design Decisions

During system design and development, it is a significant challenge to ensure that the
right and optimal architecture/design decisions are made. Often, the learning of
whether the decision is optimal or not, and the impact on the Measures of
Effectiveness (MOEs) of the system, occur late in the development life cycle. System
architects and designers undergo various experiential learnings during the
development of many systems over the years.

This presentation discusses a framework that leverages machine learning models to
learn from the decision learning cycles and advise on the uncertainty of various
architecture design decisions. The framework enables a decision oriented view that
factors the learning cycles and feedback loops experienced. The framework enables
codification of decisions and progressive maturity of architectural knowledge base

Dr Ramakrishnan Raman is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt, INCOSE certified Expert Systems Engineering Professional ESEP, an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer and Fellow of Indian Society for Systems Science and Engineering.

He has extensive systems and software engineering experience in domains of
Aerospace and Industrial Automation. He is currently Fellow at Honeywell Aerospace.
His areas of interest include system/software architecture, complex systems and
system of systems, and machine learning.

    Norbert Majerus

    Henrik Sonnenberg, Venture, Business Building & Innovation Consultant at Implement Consulting Group – Hybrid Agile & The Missing Link

    Agile has created great impact and engagement across many product development teams. But Agile is introduced in many different ways , and done the wrong way, it can become overly focused on execution efficiency, roles, cadence and team events.

    “Efficient development of products that customers don’t care about” is not what we are looking for.

    This will be a preview for Henriks workshop in Munich on the in person conference 24 of April. We will explore the science of business validation & how it can be integrated into daily Agile practice.

    Henrik Sonnenberg is trained as machinist, mechanical design engineer & partner at Implement Consulting Group. He has 20+ years experience creating new business across product / service & physical / digital. Impact focus towards builder team, investor team & enabling assets.

    Assisting great teams to go even further. Identifying opportunity customer problems generating business solutions and validating Commercial/ Technical assumptions fast.

    Maria Hansson, Director Continuous Improvement & Change / Change Leader Agile Transformation at Volvo Cars - Change Management to Succeed with a

    Volvo Cars has been on a change journey since 2017. Maria has been one of the driving forces on this journey and will reflect on the change management needed to improve an already successful company., with a large R&D organization with very experienced product developers.

    Maria Hansson is a senior Change Leader targeting product development within Volvo Cars. Her main focus is directed to drive transformation in collaboration with the organization. She holds an MSc in Chemical Engineering from Chalmers University of
    Technology and have held a number of managerial positions within the organization over 25 years, mainly within system engineering environmental technology and powertrain controls.


    Following the spirit of Lean Product & Process Development EXCHANGE, there will be good possibilities to Exchange knowledge with other attendees as well as with the speakers.

    After each presentation, we have a session +Reflections and interaction where you will reflect and interact on the learnings from the presenter.

    We end the virtual LPPDE with some final reflections and remarks and hope the Exchange will continue on our LinkedIn site.



    LPPDE events have an impressive gathering of lean product and process development practitioners. We’ve assembled an impressive lineup of keynote speakers.

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