Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Exchange in a Digital World!
Exchange Following the spirit of Lean Product & Process Development EXCHANGE there will be good possibilities to Exchange knowledge with other attendees as well as with the speakers.
After each presentation, we have a session +Reflections and interaction where you will reflect and interact on the learnings from the presenter.
We end the virtual LPPDE with some final reflections and remarks and hope the Exchange will continue on our LinkedIn site
April 7, 2022
Thursday - Virtual Conference
International Thought Leaders

Göran Gustafsson
Chalmers University of Technology

Manoel Santos
Nemawashi Consultoria e Capacitacão em Excelencia Empresarial

Magnus Pettersson

Norbert Majerus
norbert majerus consulting

Half-day virtual summit, only 99 € + VAT 24% if applicable.
Pay for 3 virtual summits (recording or live), only 250 € + VAT 24% if applicable
Pay for 10 virtual summits (recording or live), only 600 € + VAT 24% if applicable
Registrations through Lean Association of Finland:
Thursday, March 3, 2022 Virtual Conference
1:05PM - 1:45PM GMT
Microsoft Teams Conference
Creating Trade-off Curves
Göran Gustafsson, Chalmers University of Technology

1:45pm - 1:50pm GMT
1:50pm - 2:30pm GMT
Microsoft Teams Conference
The 3P Process: How to Collaborate and Integrate for Fast Design Solutions
Manoel Santos, Nemawashi Consultoria e Capacitacão em Excelencia Empresarial

2:30pm - 2:40pm GMT
Breakout rooms - Reflections and interaction
2:40pm - 2:50pm GMT
Reflections and questions to the speakers
2:50pm - 3:05pm GMT
3:05PM -3:45PM GMT
Microsoft Teams Conference
Strategic Portfolio Management
Magnus Pettersson, Magntec

3:45pm - 3:50pm GMT
Short Break
3:50PM - 4:30PM GMT
Microsoft Teams Conference
Creating a Knowledge Management System
Norbert Majerus, norbert majerus consulting

4:30PM - 4:40PM GMT
Breakout rooms - Reflections and interactions
4:40PM - 4:50PM GMT
Reflections and questions to the speaker
We are bringing our 2022 speakers to you!
Download the Program

Peter Palmér, LPPDE and Juha Tammi, Lean Association of Finland
Peter and Juha represent the two organization who organize these virtual online events and will moderate the Virtual Summit.

Göran Gustafsson, Senior Lecturer at Chalmers University of Technology
Creating Trade-off Curves
We hear much about the trade-offs we must do in product development and feel it is a central method for Lean Product and Process Development. It is an excellent to visualize the knowledge for use and re-use. Here we will learn the basics in creating trade-off curves which really work and are useful time after time.
Dr. Göran Gustafsson has worked with research, product development and engineering education in academia as well as in industry in Sweden and abroad. His current research interests are Lean Product Development in general, and the capture, generalization, presentation and reuse of data and other knowledge for product development purposes in particular.

Manoel Santos, Co-founder and Lean Consultant, Nemawashi Consultoria e Capacitacão em Excelencia Empresarial
The 3P Process: How to Collaborate and Integrate for Fast Design Solutions
The 3P (Product Preparation Process) has two major application:
(a)Product Design
(b)Process Design
This presentation will enable you to understand the method to create innovative designs that deliver more value to your customers.
Manoel Santos is a Mechanical Engineer with a Masters Degree in Mechanical Systems Reliability with 20+ years of experience in the Aerospace Industry (Embraer S.A.). Specialized in: Lean Transformation, Lean Product and Process Development, Kaizen Event Facilitation, Team Development, Leadership.
He is passionate about innovation and kaizen and loves to co-create new product and process solutions with product development teams. One result that makes him smile is the Business Transformation that he promoted through continuous improvement projects and kaizen event facilitation. The results after 10 years were incredible products (aircraft) delivered on-time, on budget, and with benchmark maturity. A team effort that makes him proud to be part of it.
Skill set: Lean Product & Process Development, Kaizen Promotion Office (KPO), Product 3P, Lean Design, Product Development Process & Strategy, Systems Engineering, Reliability Engineering, Process Engineering, Project Management, Configuration Management. #NovosVoos

Magnus Pettersson, Owner, Magntec
Strategic Portfolio Management
If you don´t have control of your product portfolio, your product plan and your project portfolio you will probably not succeed with any projects, no matter how good methods and tools to run your projects. This presentation focuses on what is needed to create a strategic portfolio.
The presentation starts with the strategy of the company and how the product portfolio and product plan affects the company's possibilities to be successful s well as the ability to meet the competitors.
We will show the importance of building knowledge in combination with product portfolio, product plan and your project portfolio at the same time we connect the company´s different organizational parts to the decisions the project plan bring forward.
The product portfolio shows the company´s ability to meet the competition here and now. It is a measure of the company´s real value as the rest of the company assets don´t show the future value, what they will live on…
The product plan (Road map) is the company´s measure of which capabilities they will have in the future, 3-10 years, to meet the competition. To invest in the product road map is the most important for long term action a company can make. And the project portfolio is the tool to make it happen.
The ability to build knowledge is what creates competitevness and a must to understand and implement in the company´s long-term strategy. As well as which knowledge should be built and in which areas this should be developed. These are vital parts of the company-strategy.
Magnus Pettersson experience in the product development stretches more than 25 years back in time, focus on how to become more efficient in the development cycles throughout the years.
During this time the knowledge has been built in multiple disciplines from mechanical and hydraulic development through control systems via internet of things and big data to the world of AI, machine vision and machine learning.
Along the road the understanding of how important it is to build knowledge so that it should be a vital part of the strategy and how the different parts tie together in the company strategy has been gained.
Magnus Pettersson mission and purpose of creating Magntec is to share these findings as well as help primarily small and mid sized companies to embrace the new technologies that are coming and that will have an impact, direct or indirect to everything we develop in the future.

Norbert Majerus, Business Owner, norbert majerus consulting
Creating a Knowledge Management System
Norbert will go through what you need to create a knowledge management system. Starting with the need and what you already have in place and what kind of gaps you see.
We will go through how you build up each part of the knowledge management system and the methods you could use to succeed.
Norbert Majerus is a highly experienced man. Beginning in 2005, Norbert implemented a principles-based lean product development process at the three Global Innovation Centers of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. For more than a decade he was Goodyear’s lean champion in research and development.
Norbert, born and raised in Luxembourg, has a Master’s degree in Chemistry from the Universitaet des Saarlandes, Saarbruecken, Germany. He joined Goodyear in Luxembourg in 1978, transferred to Akron in 1983, and has worked most disciplines in the Goodyear innovation centers in Luxembourg and Akron.
In 2016, Norbert published his first book, Lean-Driven Innovation (Norbert Majerus, CRC Press, 2016), which received the Shingo Research Award. Also in 2016, with Norbert’s guidance the Goodyear R&D organization applied for and received the AME Excellence Award. Norbert has spoken at many conferences in the United States and other countries. Since retiring from Goodyear in 2017, he continues to share his extensive lean expertise via norbert majerus consulting. His latest contribution is his second book Winning Innovation, just released!
Following the spirit of Lean Product & Process Development EXCHANGE, there will be good possibilities to Exchange knowledge with other attendees as well as with the speakers.
After each presentation, we have a session +Reflections and interaction where you will reflect and interact on the learnings from the presenter.
We end the virtual LPPDE with some final reflections and remarks and hope the Exchange will continue on our LinkedIn site.

LPPDE events have an impressive gathering of lean product and process development practitioners. We’ve assembled an impressive lineup of keynote speakers.