Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
February 6, 2025
Thursday - Virtual Conference
Exchange in a Digital World!
Exchange Following the spirit of Lean Product & Process Development EXCHANGE there will be good possibilities to Exchange knowledge with other attendees as well as with the speakers.
After each presentation, we have a session +Reflections and interaction where you will reflect and interact on the learnings from the presenter.
We end the virtual LPPDE with some final reflections and remarks and hope the Exchange will continue on our LinkedIn site
International Thought Leaders

Bengt Johansson

Steven C Holt

Charles Baker
Independent Consultant

One virtual summit, only 99 € + VAT 24% if applicable.
Pay for 3 virtual summits (recording or live), only 250 € + VAT 24% if applicable
Pay for Full Year (12 virtual summits, Live and Recordings), only 700 € + VAT 24% if applicable
Registrations through Lean Association of Finland:
Thursday, February 6, 2025 Virtual Conference
1:00PM GMT
Zoom Conference
Peter Palmér, LPPDE and Juha Tammi, Lean Association of Finland - Welcome and Instructions
Peter and Juha represent the two organization who organize these virtual online events and will moderate the Virtual Summit.

1:05pm GMT
Zoom Conference
Bengt Johansson, Global Lean Innovation & Quality Manager, LPPDE – A Learning Journey – Capturing the Right Knowledge
Capturing knowledge is one thing but capturing the knowledge you need, the right knowledge, is something else. Using simple, fast, and direct methods that can help a team understand what that knowledge is will have a huge impact on the success of a project.
This talk will focus on a specific development project, and on how that project gave ASSA ABLOY the opportunity to create a learning model that could be used throughout the company.
Bengt Johansson has spent his entire working life at ASSA ABLOY and has seen the company grow to a global champion. Bengt has been working around 25 years with product development in different roles, production engineering, through quality management and product development. The latest 15 years Bengt spent in ASSA ABLOYs Lean Innovation program where he has been the Global Lean Innovation Manager the latest 8 years

1:45pm GMT
1:50PM GMT
Zoom Conference
Steven C Holt, Technical Fellow, Boeing – The Chief Engineer’s Role in Creating High Performance Teams and Successful Products: Learning from History
In “The Toyota Product Development System,” James Morgan and Jeffrey Liker describe the important role that the Chief Engineer plays in the product development at Toyota. This presentation looks at four examples starting in the 1940s in which aerospace products were designed in times that today seen so short as to be almost unbelievable—including designing and building a jet fighter in 90 days. This presentation shows how each was led by a Chief Engineer that closely matched Morgan and Liker’s observations and how this enabled breakthrough innovation and speed in development.
Steve Holt is a Socio-Technical Systems Engineer with a long fascination with product development looked at as a complex system. He began his career as a stress analyst and eventually ended up as a Systems Engineer. He was able to get an early exposure to many great thinkers, including: W.Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, Eli Goldratt, and Allen Ward. He makes frequent use of Dave Snowden’s Cynefin Framework and Col. John Boyd’s Maneuver Conflict Theory.

2:30pm GMT
2:35PM GMT
Zoom Conference
Charles Baker, Principal at Lean Powered Innovation LLC – Knowledge Flow in Product Development
In manufacturing, Lean concentrates on the efficient flow of a product thru manufacturing operations. In Product Development, the equivalent analogy is the flow of knowledge into the product during development. This talk will focus on the story of Johnson Controls product development turnaround, and the role of knowledge flow in this process.
Charlie Baker is the Principal at Lean Powered Innovation LLC. He has over 35 years of experience in top engineering and marketing executive positions at Honda, General Motors, Johnson Controls, and Harley-Davidson. At General Motors he was Executive Director and Global Functional Leader for Interiors from 2011 to 2016. At Johnson Controls he was Group Vice President for Engineering for Automotive Experience from 2005 to 2010. At Honda he was Vice President of Honda R&D Americas, and Chief Engineer for 5 vehicle developments including the original Acura MDX, the original Honda Pilot, and the 6th generation Honda Accord.

3:15pm GMT
Short Break
3:20pm GMT
Breakout rooms - Reflections and interactions
3:30pm GMT
Reflections and questions to the speaker
3:45pm GMT
Following the spirit of Lean Product & Process Development EXCHANGE, there will be good possibilities to Exchange knowledge with other attendees as well as with the speakers.
After each presentation, we have a session +Reflections and interaction where you will reflect and interact on the learnings from the presenter.
We end the virtual LPPDE with some final reflections and remarks and hope the Exchange will continue on our LinkedIn site.
LPPDE events have an impressive gathering of lean product and process development practitioners. We’ve assembled an impressive lineup of keynote speakers.