Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
May 4, 2023
Thursday - Virtual Conference
Exchange in a Digital World!
Exchange Following the spirit of Lean Product & Process Development EXCHANGE there will be good possibilities to Exchange knowledge with other attendees as well as with the speakers.
After each presentation, we have a session +Reflections and interaction where you will reflect and interact on the learnings from the presenter.
We end the virtual LPPDE with some final reflections and remarks and hope the Exchange will continue on our LinkedIn site
International Thought Leaders

Christian Andersson
Go Forward AB

Annalena Larsson

Therese Costich
The TCM Group

Billy Ingram

Half-day virtual summit, only 99 € + VAT 24% if applicable.
Pay for 3 virtual summits (recording or live), only 250 € + VAT 24% if applicable
Pay for Full Year (10 virtual summits, Live and Recordings), only 700 € + VAT 24% if applicable
Registrations through Lean Association of Finland:
Thursday, May 4, 2023 Virtual Conference
1:00PM GMT
Microsoft Teams Conference
Peter Palmér, LPPDE and Juha Tammi, Lean Association of Finland - Welcome and Instructions
Peter and Juha represent the two organization who organize these virtual online events and will moderate the Virtual Summit.

1:05pm GMT
Microsoft Teams Conference
Christian Andersson, Owner of Go Forward AB – The Relationship Between OEM:s and Suppliers in a Lean Agile World
We are part of an eco-system of several companies, partners and organizations and to thrive together our Lean or Agile mindset goes beyond our own organization. Patterns and ideas how to operate as one part of a large eco-system becomes a valuable capability. This capability becomes more important, the bigger system we develop, and the more connected systems are.
Christian Andersson is an experienced change agent, advisor and trainer, focusing on Lean and Agile organizations. He has worked in the industry for the past 20 years. As a change leader Christian has defined the roadmap of several Lean and Agile journeys and executed these together with the leadership in charge. Each journey is different in some way, but at the same time many similarities and challenges to overcome. Christian has worked for many years in the Automotive industry, managing large systems. But he also has experience from niche companies and start-ups. He has been a consultant all his working life, learning from the basic what it takes to develop large systems with electronics, software and mechanics. Christian founded Go Forward AB, providing Lean Agile advisory and training, in 2019. He is also an associated trainer and consultant at We Are Movement.

1:45pm GMT
1:50PM GMT
Microsoft Teams Conference
Annalena Larsson, Head of Change Management at Kone – Change Management at Kone
Experiences of building change management capability with the purpose to respond faster to change and realize our business benefits. How we have integrated lean & agile practices with change management and vice versa.
Annalena Larsson is an experienced leader and manager with an in-depth knowledge of change management in different cultures. Extensive experience in driving successful transformations and change programs in a global context. Experience of driving the people side of change in a structured way based on the Prosci change management framework.
Specialties: Change management, leading in change, communication, program management, organizational design, global management.

2:30pm GMT
Breakout rooms - Reflections and interaction
2:40pm GMT
Reflections and questions to the speakers
2:50pm GMT
3:05PM GMT
Microsoft Teams Conference
Therese Costich, Founder and Managing Partner at The TCM Group – Possibilities and Risks for Process and Product Development with Digital Transformation
The general topic will be digital transformation - you cannot control what happened but, you can control how you respond. I can give you a more specific outline once I know how long you would like the talk. The pace of change is faster than it has ever been, and yet, today is the slowest day we will ever experience again. To survive Disruption 4.0, an organization has to ”walk the talk” in order to successfully achieve Digital Transformation. Data is a critical business asset for every organization regardless of the industry and it is exploding at an ever-increasing pace. Companies can no longer respond in a timely fashion without a paradigm shift on how they use their data better.
To be a global leader, an organization must conquer inertia by harnessing today’s enormous computing power to reduce massive amounts of data to actionable decision making at the speed of thought. The companies that will survive moving forward are those that have clarity and vision of their future; have the courage to embrace the data and leverage technology and opportunities to stay on the "offense"; be decisive in this digital disruption; and finally, be resilient to think Bigger of what is Possible.
Therese Costich has spent more than 25 years in the Lean Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement world, working with employees from the C-suite to front line associates, for companies including General Electric, Ford Motor, DuPont, Dominion Energies, Harris Corporation, Lenovo, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Bausch & Lomb, The TCM Group and Syracuse University. With the focus of the global world becoming smaller and data becoming bigger in every industry, Therese’s expertise with operational excellence and data analytics supports companies and tactical process improvements as well as:• Hones their approach to sustaining continuous improvement;• Brings diverse data from multiple sources together at the speed of thought; • Measures how organization’s activity creates value, quality, financial efficiency, and productivity; • Empowers employees at all levels with granular visibility and control of their resources; • Reduces cost, increases margin and profit, and improves customer satisfaction;

3:45pm GMT
Short Break
3:50PM GMT
Microsoft Teams Conference
Billy Ingram, Director Lean Product and Process Development at Interface – Sustainable Cultural Transformation Practices That You Can Act On Today
Seven years ago, a single insight changed the trajectory of my life. As I sat at my desk analyzing my past year’s 50% project success rate, I was seeking a better way. Examining project success and failure through the conceptual framework of sustainability provided a spark. That spark was fanned into a flame. That flame forged a method. The practical application of this method filled a gap in my personal understanding that enabled project success and so much more. Please join me to learn more.
Key Takeaways:
- Practical and applicable knowledge for how you can begin a sustainable cultural transformation in your organization on your next day back in the office regardless of your position
- Why understanding the ISO 26000 guidelines and social responsibility principles are fundamental to creating individual accountability, personal responsibility, and higher levels of engagement
- How to unlock innovation, increase inclusion, and generate sustainable solutions
Billy Ingram is an experienced innovator and socially responsible Lean Six Sigma practitioner creating sustainable organizations, business models and supply chains.
Gallup Top Ten Strengths: Learner, Achiever, Maximizer, Self-Assurance, Responsibility, Strategic, Relator, Belief, Input and Focus.

4:30pm GMT
Breakout rooms - Reflections and interactions
4:40pm GMT
Reflections and questions to the speaker
5:00pm GMT
Following the spirit of Lean Product & Process Development EXCHANGE, there will be good possibilities to Exchange knowledge with other attendees as well as with the speakers.
After each presentation, we have a session +Reflections and interaction where you will reflect and interact on the learnings from the presenter.
We end the virtual LPPDE with some final reflections and remarks and hope the Exchange will continue on our LinkedIn site.
LPPDE events have an impressive gathering of lean product and process development practitioners. We’ve assembled an impressive lineup of keynote speakers.