LPPDE, 2023 - February

Half-day Virtual Summit


Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 

February 2, 2023

Thursday - Virtual Conference 

Exchange in a Digital World!

Exchange Following the spirit of Lean Product & Process Development EXCHANGE there will be good possibilities to Exchange knowledge with other attendees as well as with the speakers. 

After each presentation, we have a session +Reflections and interaction where you will reflect and interact on the learnings from the presenter. 

We end the virtual LPPDE with some final reflections and remarks and hope the Exchange will continue on our LinkedIn site

International Thought Leaders

Joe Justice

Joe Justice

Authored Scrum Master (book), created eXtreme Manufacturing, founded WIKISPEED, Agile Business Institute

Christian Fredriksson

Christian Fredriksson

Owner of Getability AB

Brian Cohn

Brian Cohn

Partner at Aspire Innovation

Lars Eiermann

Lars Eiermann

Chief Sustainable Officer & Managing Director at TUM Venture Labs

Half-day virtual summit, only 99 € + VAT 24% if applicable.

Pay for 3 virtual summits (recording or live), only 250 € + VAT 24% if applicable

Pay for 10 virtual summits (recording or live), only 600 € + VAT 24% if applicable

Registrations through Lean Association of Finland:

Thursday, February 2, 2023 Virtual Conference


1:00PM GMT

Microsoft Teams Conference

Welcome and Instructions

By Juha Tammi & Peter Palmér

1:05pm GMT

Microsoft Teams Conference

“30-day budget” or no budget

Joe Justice

Authored Scrum Master (book), created eXtreme Manufacturing, founded WIKISPEED, Agile Business Institute


1:45pm GMT



1:50PM GMT

Microsoft Teams Conference

Hardware Development and its Challenges for Business Agility

Christian Fredriksson

Owner of Getability AB


2:30pm GMT

Breakout rooms - Reflections and interaction


2:40pm GMT

Reflections and questions to the speakers


2:50pm GMT



3:05PM GMT

Microsoft Teams Conference

Acceleration Events Post COVID

Brian Cohn

Partner at Aspire Innovation


3:45pm GMT

Short Break


3:50PM GMT

Microsoft Teams Conference

TUM Venture Labs for A Sustainable Future

Lars Eiermann

Chief Sustainable Officer & Managing Director at TUM Venture Labs


4:30pm GMT

Breakout rooms - Reflections and interactions


4:40pm GMT

Reflections and questions to the speaker


4:50pm GMT

Final reflections and remarks


By Juha Tammi & Peter Palmér


5:00pm GMT


We are bringing our 2022 speakers to you!

Download the Program

Presentation Abstracts and Presenter Bios

Peter Palmér, LPPDE and Juha Tammi, Lean Association of Finland

Peter and Juha represent the two organization who organize these virtual online events and will moderate the Virtual Summit.

Joe Justice, Authored Scrum Master (book), created eXtreme Manufacturing, founded WIKISPEED, Agile Business Institute – “30-day budget” or no budget

“30-day budget” or no budget. Companies that embrace agility and speed in their operation, don’t lock-in themselves with  annual budgets and detailed multi-year strategy plans. What do they do instead? Why (benefits)? And how do they manage without longtime budget?

Joe Justice is author of Scrum Master, published in 7 languages. Joe has worked with Bill Gates, the leadership team at Amazon, and operated the Agile program at Tesla for Elon Musk. Joe founded WIKISPEED which became an example of automotive design and production speed in a fun, egalitarian culture. Joe enjoys collaborating as a board member, writing, teaching, and running companies to make a good future arrive faster.

Joe works globally as an interim executive for Scrum in Hardware, bringing multinational companies twice the work in half the time. His teams have held 3 world records. He is a TEDx speaker, guest lecturer at both MIT and Oxford University in England, featured in Forbes 5 times to date including as owner of a “Company to watch” by Forbes Billionaire Club, cited in more than 5 business paperbacks and hardcovers, the subject of a Discovery Channel mini-documentary for his work creating the discipline Scrum in Hardware while working directly with the co-creator of Scrum, Dr. Jeff Sutherland.

Joe has worked with all of the top 3 military and defense contractors, autonomous and smart road technologies, ultra-lightweight structures, guest lectured at UC Berkeley, MIT, on behalf of Carnegie Melon, CU Denver, The University of Washington, spoken at Google, Microsoft, Zynga, Lockheed Martin, HP Labs, The Royal Bank of Canada, Pictet bank, and others. Joe’s work has been featured in Forbes, Harvard Business Review, CNN Money, the Discovery Channel, and others.

carolyn carter LPPDE

Christian Fredriksson, Owner of Getability AB – Hardware Development and its Challenges for Business Agility

Although much of agile thinking has its origins in development of physical products, most of its practices has been formed within software development.  As agile thinking now spreads to all aspects of product development, including mechanical engineering and outside R&D as well, it presents new challenges when mature engineering practices and all the organizational structures supporting them that have worked so well in the past meets new concepts that was created for a different context.

Christian Fredriksson will talk about common challenges that product development organizations face in their effort to become more agile, some approaches that could be used to overcome them and why some of the ways we have come to talk about agile can even become its biggest impediment to improvement in this context.

Christian Fredriksson started to explore how organizations can find better ways to learn, organize and adapt in complex environments two decades ago in an academic research program and has since then gained practical experience from lean and agile ways of working in different roles and industries.

Since 2012 Christian has mostly been focusing on helping teams and organizations navigate in complexity and become more agile in an advisory and consulting role. He has helped companies within many different industries, such as banking, retail, travel, public sector, e-commerce and product developing companies, especially within hardware and mechatronical development, such as automotive.

    Norbert Majerus

    Brian Cohn, Partner at Aspire Innovation – Acceleration Events Post COVID

    Acceleration events post COVID is a challenge for many today. This presentation treats how to do in-person acceleration events (Market Requirements Event, Planning and Risk Management, 3P) have been a mainstay of lean product development for over a century.

    The core principle of Lean is the reduction or elimination of waste.  In product development, we often see enormous amounts of waste in ineffective and inefficient work to align on key early project elements – requirements, plans, and product concepts.  Acceleration events were developed to bring teams together, make quick progress on these elements, and drive alignment on them.  In this talk we’ll review the “traditional” acceleration events (Market Requirements, Planning & Risk Management, and Product & Process Preparation), take a look at how they can be extended to include software requirements and go to market strategy, and how they can be adapted for a virtual or hybrid world.

    Brian Cohn is a founding partner at Aspire Innovation where they help clients increase the value of their Product Development Investment. He has 40 years of experience developing industrial, consumer, medical, and defense products and in improving project management and product development practices. Brian is an active member of PDMA, PMI, and the Lean Product and Process Development Exchange. He is helping push the state of the art in marrying Stage-Gate program governance with Agile mindset and practices and in the process for developing products with both complex physical components and stable embedded software.

    Lars Eiermann, Chief Sustainable Officer & Managing Director at TUM Venture Labs – TUM Venture Labs for A Sustainable Future

    Lars will introduce the TU Munich and the Unternehmer TUM (the largest entrepreneurship center in Europe). He will present Venture Labs with focusing start-ups especially in relation to sustainability.

    Lars Eiermann is Executive Manager in R&D with a strong track record of transforming the automotive industry, consulting and executive training. Including more than 15 years of experience in medium-sized and large global companies mainly in the field of strategy and product development, mobility and transport, as organizational and digital change.

    Lars has cross-functional leadership skills in R&D, purchasing, as well as production and logistics. Specialized in agile and lean product development, and conceptualizing / implementing tailored customer-centric solutions with the aim of increasing team ownership, productivity and profit margins.

    Lars Eiermann has been driving the company-wide implementation for product/technical compliance (PCMS) including cyber security, software update and functional safety management (CSMS, SUMS, FSM).  He is a cross functional leader in R&D for product environment with focus on sustainability, decarbonization and circular economy.

    He has mentored, coached and directly managed diverse teams to increase each employee’s potential and performance, including by ensuring a 360° communication and a transformational leadership approach. Passion for sustainable and autonomous mobility, innovation and agile transformation.


    Following the spirit of Lean Product & Process Development EXCHANGE, there will be good possibilities to Exchange knowledge with other attendees as well as with the speakers.

    After each presentation, we have a session +Reflections and interaction where you will reflect and interact on the learnings from the presenter.

    We end the virtual LPPDE with some final reflections and remarks and hope the Exchange will continue on our LinkedIn site.



    LPPDE events have an impressive gathering of lean product and process development practitioners. We’ve assembled an impressive lineup of keynote speakers.

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