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LPPDE North America 2024 - Milwaukee
September 30 - October 3, 2024

In partnership with:

Join leading thinkers pioneering lean product and process development!
Transforming Innovation for Enterprise Excellence
History would suggest Lean Product and Process Development, an incredibly thoughtful and proven approach, would drive a healthy future for an innovating business. However, as many of us know - it’s not easy. It requires a connection to the organizational vision, executive and leadership commitment, effective change management, cultural change and a strong focus on process to truly enable it, let alone sustain it.
The reality is, most of us implementing LPPD, are either trying to drive transformation from the middle, or ruminating on decline. Organizational transformation is a fragile, vulnerable effort, which can be wiped it out in a minute. We see it over and over, again and again, everywhere!
What can we do? We persevere – we reflect, we learn, and we go at it again. We find others who have experienced the same thing and start sharing and learning. The LPPD Exchange can provide that experienced community. This year we bring together a multi-industry group from executives to individual contributors. We are also working on including a manufacturing perspective to help us understand the voice of the customer. There will be new and unique workshops and presentations – and ultimately something for everyone!
Whether you’re fired up or feeling at a loss, please come join us in October in Milwaukee, WI, as we persevere toward an effective Innovation Transformation. Our objective is to make sure you walk away inspired; with a supportive network and some new ideas you can implement right away!
I hope you’ll join me in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 30 - October 3, 2024!
Carolyn Carter
2024 North America Conference Chair

Carolyn Carter
Chair of Conference

Geoff Neiley
Co-Chair of Conference
Conference site:
11000 W Park Pl, Milwaukee, WI 53224
We have a room block reserved at Hilton Garden Inn Milwaukee Northwest Conference Center for September 29, 2024 through October 4, 2024.
Booking your room is simple, just select "Book a Room" to receive your group's preferred rate.
Discounted rates are available now through September 20, 2024
We're looking forward to seeing you soon!
The conference hosts speakers from the following organizations:

Monday, September 30, 2024
Pre-Conference Workshops
Workshop Track 1
Review of the Fundamentals of Development
Dan Caputo + Carolyn Carter, Strategist / Technology Portfolio Strategy at HP + Principle consultant at Carolyn Carter Consulting
This workshop introduces participants to the foundational principles of lean product and process development. It is targeted for newcomers to the community to help get them up to speed on some of the basic concepts so they can get the most from the main conference. The workshop is based on Dantar Oosterwal´s model “The Lean Machine 7+1”
7 Keys to successful Lean Product Development that will be covered include:
- Manufacture customers Portfolio
- Cadence & Flow
- Set-Based
- Reusable Knowledge
- Visual Management
- Lead with Entrepreneur System Designers
- Teams of Responsible Experts
+ 1:
- Match Throughput to Business Need
These 7+1 key aspects to Lean Product Development and the all-important connection to the business are summarized in a one-page document called Lean Product Development in a nutshell and can be downloaded here:
This first part demonstrates what Lean Product Development is and why it is sometimes referred to as Knowledge-Based or Set-Based Product Development as well as which benefits of Lean Product Development for the organization.


13:30 - 17:00
How can LPPD solve the problems
Dan Caputo + Carolyn Carter + Dantar Oosterwal, Strategist / Technology Portfolio Strategy at HP + Principle consultant at Carolyn Carter Consulting + Partner & Senior Vice President and Idea-to-Value Practice Leader at Argo-Efeso Consulting Group
The afternoon is focused on showing the participants how LPPD could solve their problems. The key take-away will be examples of problem-solving using the LPPD system.
Dan Caputo is a strategist, systems thinker, and Lean Product Development practitioner adept at solving complex problems across multiple global sites and all functional areas. 30+ years experience in R&D, Manufacturing, and Procurement specializing in technology development and bringing new products to market. Deep understanding of technology and product system design lifecycles. Recognized internal expert on Lean product development methods and strategic planning. Innovation champion. Proven track record in building team framework, creating partnerships and collaborating across organizations.
Carolyn Carter is Principal Consultant at Carolyn Carter Consulting after an extensive career at the Kimberly-Clark Corporation where she got her experience in Research Product Development with additional focus on Lean and LPPD in Development, and Engineering, Operations and Quality in Manufacturing.
Carolyn's experience include:
- Leader of Lean Product and Process Development launch across multiple Business Units
- Co-lead of Lean Product and Process Development launch into Research Teams
- Lean Coordinator for initial launch of Lean Culture into Research Team
- Product Developer in programs across multiple businesses
- Product Development Leader for commercialization of large Personal Care Program
- Leadership and development of Process Optimization Program Product Supply for North America and European Personal Care
- Lean Strategic and A3 Problem Solving applications as Quality Manager in Personal Care Manufacturing
- Quality Manager in multiple regulated and non-regulated Personal Care Manufacturing Plants
Dantar Oosterwal, Sr. Vice-president at Argo-Efeso consulting group, is highly regarded as a global thought-leader in Lean Innovation & Product Development systems as well as an advisor, speaker and award-winning author. He has a passion for learning and applying lean product development systems to impact improvements of business performance. Dantar has championed many large and global operational improvement initiatives as well as developed and led Lean Innovation transformations for organizations resulting in profound improvements to both top-line revenue and bottom-line efficiency.
He has been awarded the Shingo Prize for his work in Lean Innovation by the Shingo Institute, the Outstanding Corporate Innovator award from PDMA and several product patents. Dantar has served as the Global Vice President of Innovation at Sara Lee and Product Development & Product Planning Leader at Harley-Davidson Motor Company. His consulting experience spans a diversity of industries ranging from raw materials (mining and chemicals) to high-tech defense systems.
Dantar is the author of The Lean Machine and co-author of Visible Knowledge for Flawless Design.

Workshop Track 2
08:30 - 12:30
Set Based Design
Dimantha Kottawa Gamage + Durward Sobek, PhD Candidate Researching on Lean Innovation at Montana State University + Vice Provost at Montana State University
Set-based knowledge, or Set Based Concurrent Engineering or Set-Based Thinking, is not so commonly used as a basis for the product development process as one would think when you look at it´s great potential. Durward and Dimantha have been researching this interesting area and has summed up some of their findings. The presentation will focus on a systematic approach for the organizations to generate Set-Based Knowledge.
The first half of this workshop introduces participants to the concept of set-based concurrent engineering (SBCE). Through an interactive format, participants will gain an understanding of the differences between SBCE and traditional point-based approaches. The second-half of this workshop introduces participants to the Design Knowledge Generation (DKG) framework for generating set-based knowledge within organizations. Participants will gain insights into the DKG framework and apply several tools to a case study to understand its application. The workshop is targeted at individuals involved in product development, including engineers, designers, leaders of development groups and project managers. The interactive format blends instruction with hands-on activities, and concludes with a formal assessment. Participants will leave the workshop with an understanding of the importance of SBCE and how its implementation can be initiated in their organizations using the DKG framework.
Dimantha Kottawa Gamage holds a B.S. in Management & IT from the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Post his Bachelors, he acquired five years of industry expertise as a Lean Practitioner and Change Agent.
Dimantha currently navigates the realms of academia, He is pursuing a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering at Montana State University. His research focus is Lean Product Development.
Durward K. Sobek II is a Professor at Montana State University in Bozeman, MT, and Program Coordinator of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering. He holds Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan, and an A.B. degree in Engineering Sciences from Dartmouth College.
Dr. Sobek has been researching lean product development and lean healthcare for nearly two decades, focusing on how organizations can increase their performance capacity through the application of lean principles. He is a co-founder of the Lean Product and Process Development Exchange, Inc., and has published numerous articles in publications such as Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. He is also co-author of three books: Lean Product and Process Development, 2nd edition, Understanding A3 Thinking: A Critical Component of Toyota's PDCA Management System and Visible Knowledge for Flawless Design.


13:30 - 17:00
Transforming to Set based design
Dimantha Kottawa Gamage + Durward Sobek, Montana State University

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 Conference Day 1
Transforming Innovation for Enterprise Excellence
Summit Welcome
Carolyn Carter, Chair of the conference, LPPDE and Marcos Esterman, A. O. Smith Corporation
Carolyn Carter opens the conference with her vision on the history suggests Lean Product and Process Development, an incredibly thoughtful and proven approach, would drive a healthy future for an innovating business. However, as many of us know - it’s not easy. It requires a connection to the organizational vision, executive and leadership commitment, effective change management, cultural change and a strong focus on process to truly enable it, let alone sustain it.
During the conference we will refer to and share these important insights, all the time with our theme “Transforming Innovation for Enterprise Excellence” in the center.
We will listen practitioners from established companies, speakers with deep knowledge touching the latest findings from universities. As usual we will have a lot of time for knowledge exchange between participants and speakers during the conference.
Marcos Esterman from our partner AO Smith will give a welcome on his behalf as well.

Creating a Learning Environment
Carolyn Carter, Chair of the conference, LPPDE

Keynote: Connecting the Dots: Helping Leaders See why LPPD is the Solution to so many of their Problems
Cindy Hinds, Global Director, Enterprise Excellence at A. O. Smith Corporation
Cindy Hinds although initially trained in Chemical engineering, very soon upon entering the workforce Lean training and implementation entered her career. First, receiving training and practicing in aluminum smelters in the US. Within a few years, she was coaching and implementing Lean in the US, Canada, Norway, Brazil, and China.
Cindy’s personal and professional experience abroad led to several overseas assignments in India and China, where she was training others and implementing focused lean projects. She truly enjoy the diversity of cultures and environments in which my skills allow me to work.
Upon returning to the US, she had the opportunity to help lead the implementation of SAP at A.O. Smith. After 3 years working in SAP, she is back in the sphere of developing and implementing a TPS based framework, honing her coaching skills, and working to create a culture of engaging everyone in problem solving every day.
For the last six years, her role has been architecting A.O. Smith’s journey to create a culture of highly engaged people who are problem-solving or innovating to drive business performance. Her approach has focused on creating management volition in the A.O. Smith Operating System, deeply embedding the skill of problem-solving into the business and developing leaders’ coaching skills.
She has a B.S. in chemical engineering, an MBA, and is a Certified Professional Coach. Cindy is also a member of the AME’s Champions Club.

Keynote: Global Lean Agile Transformation
Peter Palmér, Senior Strategist and Business Development at Scania
How to manage a lean-agile transformation in a culture in a company that is mature and successful and profitable organization. What are the pros- and cons of the current improvement culture when you need to make a transformation into a more effective and efficient way of working? Peter will tell his view of the Scania Way journey improving the way of working within the company from the beginning of 1990 until today and looking towards the future with a more intense transformation, especially when including all four brands of the TRATON family, MAN, Navistar, Scania and VW Truck & Bus.
Peter Palmér has extensive experience in lean management in both production and product development, as well as experience of leadership in other cultures. With 18 years of experience within production, engineering and quality followed by 20 years in various management positions in product development Peter has many stories to tell. Since the beginning of the 1990es he has been closely involved with the Scania Way development journey both in Sweden and South America.
He is a frequent speaker at international and national conferences on the subject of LPD and leadership. Peter has been working closely with LPPDE since the organization's start 2008 including seven years on the LPPDE board with a second period started 2023. Through LPPDE Peter has organized and chaired or co-chaired many conferences in Europe and in the US. Since the end of 2020 he runs the monthly LPPDE Virtual Summits, a four-hour learning exchange with four different speakers. He is a member of various LPD-networks and has co-developed LPD training courses with Chalmers Professional Education and The KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Networking Break

Innovating to Drive Revenue Growth
Dantar Oosterwal, Partner & Senior Vice President and Idea-to-Value Practice Leader at Argo-Efeso Consulting Group
This presentation has two main parts:
- The connection between innovation and revenue
- The separation of the pre-development and the development by a clear firewall
These are defined in Dantar Oosterwal´ s model “The Lean Machine 7+1” with 7 Keys to successful Lean Product Development.
These 7+1 key aspects to Lean Product Development and the all-important connection to the business are summarized in a one-page document called Lean Product Development in a nutshell and can be downloaded here:
Dantar Oosterwal has a passion for Innovation and an enthusiasm for the improvement of Business Systems. At the intersection of these two interests, Dantar is a leader in the application of lean methods in new product development creating dramatic improvements in effectiveness and efficiency. Besides the award winning book, ‘The Lean Machine’, Dantar has also co-authored together with Durward Sobek the publication of Allan Ward’s manuscript, ‘Visible Knowledge for Flawless Design’.You can learn more at Or you can learn about Dantar’s latest initiative at Dantar holds a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Michigan and a Masters degree in Management from the Sloan School of Management at MIT.

The Development of Learning Plans, Identification of Knowledge Gaps and how that Relates to Trade-off Curves and Reusable Knowledge
Andy Wagner, Boeing
This presentation includes an overview on the development of learning plans, identification of design decisions, knowledge gaps, and relate those to trade-off curves and reusable knowledge.
It concludes with an example application of that approach to the development of an airplane production system.
Andy Wagner has been a student of aerospace production systems for his entire career, striving to understand their technical, business, and human aspects, and how the unique aerospace context influences their performance. A sponge for ideas in this domain, Andy is continually testing approaches against the lens of his current and past work to find novel and hybrid solutions to persistent problems.
- 8+ Years leading automation, producibility and process improvement teams and initiatives
- 12+ Years in manufacturing-technical functions, (process engineer, manufacturing engineer, and quality engineer)
- 17+ Years of collaborative Design-Build engineering experience in aerospace
- Lead, coach, and mentor continuous improvement and integration between engineering and manufacturing
- Focused on understanding problems and root causes to drive meaningful solutions

Networking Lunch and Themes

Accelerating the Flywheel: Sustaining an LPPD Transformation
Marcos Esterman, Enterprise Excellence Manager, Product Development at A. O. Smith Corporation
In this presentation, Marcos will share some of the challenges that were encountered as A.O. Smith completed its initial implementation of LPPD. Some of our key learnings as we transition to stabilizing and scaling our NPD process will be shared as we.
Marcos Esterman has over 30 years of combined experience in industrial and academic settings His passion is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of product development so that the amazing innovations developed by technologists reach the communities that need them. He is an expert in product development and complex systems engineering. At A.O. Smith, Marcos is responsible for the development, deployment, and support of the product development process. Prior to joining A.O. Smith, Marcos served on the faculty of the RIT Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, where his research contributions included: The Integration of Lean Principles with Systems Engineering, Sustainable Development, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Development, Community Engaged Design, and Medical Device Innovation. Marcos’ previous industry experience includes General Electric Medical Systems and Hewlett-Packard. His analysis work at HP enhanced design and product architecture decision-making.

Networking Break

AO Smith Poster Session Tour
3 groups, 2*15-min walk, 3*30-min/talk
A.O. Smith Coorperation has prepared a gemba walk through some of their challenges. We will separate into three groups and listen to three 30min talk about different LPPD-subjects where representatives from the A. O. Smith Corporation will share their experience qabout what worked and what did not – and what they learned about it.
Be prepared for many good discussions during this interactive visit.

Learning Circles
30min Reflection + 45min teach back of key takeaways + 15min Summarize key learnings
The learning circles are guided by an experienced coach.
- We start with a 30 minutes reflection in each team and summary of the learnings.
- Then we gather the entire group to teach back of the key take aways
- The conference chairs will then summarize the key learnings of the visit

Networking Buffet

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 Conference Day 2
Transforming Innovation for Enterprise Excellence
Welcome back and reflection
Geoff Neiley, Co-chair of the conference, LPPDE
Geoff Neiley opens the second day with reflections on the learnings from the first day. As always on a Lean Project and Process Development Exchange event the learning and knowledge exchange is central. Geoff will share his learnings and let the knowledge sink in through a reflection before presenting the first speaker.

Continuing the Learning Experience
Geoff Neiley, Co-chair of the conference, LPPDE

Keynote: – Embarking on A.O. Smith’s Lean Product and Process Development Transformation Journey
Neil Rolph, Vice President Of Engineering and Product Management at A. O. Smith Corporation
In this presentation, Neil will discuss how A.O. Smith knew it was time to modify the product development process and why LPPD was the path to pursue. He will share lessons learned to share with organizations facing these same circumstances.
Neil Rolph serves as the Vice President Product Engineering and Management at A.O. Smith, a global leader in water heating for residential and commercial applications. With a robust background in engineering and product management, Neil plays a pivotal role in advancing the company's commitment to product development and innovation.
Neil's journey with A.O. Smith began over two decades ago, during which he has held various leadership positions within the Engineering area. His expertise in integrating cutting-edge technologies has been instrumental in driving the company's mission to provide efficient water heating solutions.
Drawing from his background in Engineering and several decades of Product Development, Neil has spearheaded initiatives that prioritize energy efficiency and reducing carbon footprints across A.O. Smith's product lines. His strategic vision aligns closely with global trends towards eco-friendly practices, ensuring that A.O. Smith remains at the forefront of environmental stewardship in the water heating sector.
Beyond his technical contributions, Neil is known for his collaborative approach and commitment to fostering a culture of innovation within the company. He actively engages with industry partners, regulatory bodies, and research institutions to explore emerging technologies and regulatory landscapes that shape A.O. Smith's future offerings.
Neil was also at the forefront of changing A.O. Smith’s product development process from that of a stage-gate method to a lean product and process development method. He has been instrumental in driving this transformation within the company, supporting the training efforts and providing guidance to stay true to what A.O. Smith was trying to accomplish.

Keynote: - GE HealthCare’s Lean Organizational Transformation as a $20 Billion Revenue Start-Up
Matt Zayko, Global Head of Lean Office, GE HealthCare; Co-Author of "The Power of Process"
The discussion will touch on the leadership’s commitment to Lean as one of our core operating principles, creating an organizational vision, change management, innovation in hardware / software (including influences of AI and ML on our products / services), and more.
It has been a busy 5+ years at GE overall since Larry Culp took over as CEO when it was a struggling, unfocused, 125+ years old conglomerate with $90+ Billion in revenue and a balance sheet heavily loaded with debt. We have now transformed into three separate, independent companies (GE Aerospace, GE HealthCare, and GE Vernova) with clear focus on customer value, healthy balance sheets, innovative products, and emerging business systems. (GE HealthCare officially spun off of “Big GE” in January 2023)
Matt Zayko has served as VP / Global Head of Lean Office at GE HealthCare since mid-2023. The Lean Office guides the Lean transformation across GE HealthCare resulting in step-changes in people capability and operational business performance, during a critical and unique time in GE’s overall 130+ years of history. GE HealthCare is now an independently operating company since January 2023 that serves over 1 billion patients annually with over $20 Billion of revenue.
Prior to joining GE HealthCare, Matt spent 2.5 years as SVP / Executive Lean Leader for GE’s rapidly growing Nuclear business, where he partnered with the leadership team on growing their Lean thinking and practice capabilities across the enterprise during a period of doubling the size of the organization.
Matt has been applying Lean principles and helping others on this continuous improvement journey for over thirty years.
Before joining GE Nuclear, Matt was president of his own management consultancy and a long-time senior coach with the Lean Enterprise Institute, working alongside Jim Womack, John Shook, Jim Morgan, and other leading lean practitioners at organizations around the world. Prior to that, Matt worked for 15 years in industry in a variety of leadership roles under the guidance of former Toyota mentors for Pall Corporation (part of Danaher Corporation), Delphi Corporation, Gelman Sciences, and Chrysler. Matt holds a Master of Science in Engineering from the University of Michigan, where he was fortunate to study under John Shook, Jeff Liker, Al Ward, Mike Rother, Walton Hancock, and other leading Lean thinkers.
Matt has deep, hands-on experience leading enterprise improvements in numerous industries by helping to transform research and development, engineering, manufacturing, service processes, and other areas. He has supported organizations as a globally recognized expert in product development, process design, operations management, and people development. Matt has authored numerous articles and a book based on successful transformation.
Matt is the co-author of "The Power of Process".

Networking Break

Lessons Learned from Leading Several Lean Transformations, Ranging from a Start-up to Large Multinational Corporations
Christer Lundh, Founder and President at AUFERO
An inspiring and insightful sharing by a seasoned expert who has successfully led four Lean transformations over the past 15 years. Will share key learnings and essential do’s and don’ts from these experiences, and provide practical recommendations to enhance your own Lean initiatives. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned practitioner, this is packed with valuable takeaways to drive efficiency and continuous improvement in your organization. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a true leader in Lean transformation!
Christer Lundh has extensive experience from leading Lean Transformations. He has a deep understanding of Lean product development. During the last fifteen years, in various leadership positions, he has effectively implemented and applied product development processes based on Flow and Knowledge Based Development (KBD) at several companies.
To empower people, Christer has successfully organized development teams around "Product Functions/ Value" perceived by customers. Small cross-functional teams making their continuous flow visible. All teams real-time prioritize based on customer value.
Christer trains and mentors managers and engineers, to do on-the-job-training to their problems, using robust rapid problem solving / gap closing processes.
Christer has personal practical multi-years’ experience as Entrepreneurial System Designer, where he led a start-up. With speed and focus, quick and valuable customer feedback, and with a great sense of urgency, the development teams rapidly improved every new prototype. It enables teams to learn about real customer needs.
Christer puts great value in a present leadership, challenging goals and empowering people, where teams quantify and close gaps. Seeing – transparency – increases motivation. By applying "homing", with multiple quantified countermeasures, teams integrate closing their gaps, and the best part – they own the solutions.

Networking Break

My Story
Geoff Neiley, Director Continuous Product Improvement and CM at Rapiscan
Transformation takes leadership. Transformation takes patience and optimism and perseverance. But most of all, transformation takes courage. We must face the fear of resistance and failure. The change will be difficult, but it is worth it.
Ten years ago, AS&E was mired in a slow, failing product development system. All the cliche road blocks were in place; huge design reviews, micro management, ultra detailed project plans required days of review. Engineers spent as much time creating presentations of the work they had done as the work they had done. Only to have projects change direction or cancelled after months or years of work. How did we get there? Why didn’t anyone stop it or even recognize it?
Finally, three VPs had enough and embarked on a search for a new way. Anything had to be better than what we had. Operation, Quality and Engineering began a search for a better way. The landed on Lean Product and Process Development (The Toyota Way). Hence began our journey out of the swamp of despair.
In 2014, the VP of Engineering attended LPPDE in North Carolina. At the first day workshops he learned about a Rapid Learning Cycles from Katherine Radeka, a system based on lean product development principles. These principles seemed so simple yet so powerful that he felt the team would eagerly embrace them. And he was right. The spirit of eliminating waste was inspiring. And with the encouragement of their boss, it was possible.
Join me to learn about some of these principles and how we enacted them at AS&E. Learn how we failed and, in-turn, succeeded in transforming from a slow, sad engineering team to an invigorated, cross-functional, fast product development team.
Geoff Neiley has been in the mechanical engineering field for 30 years. After graduating from the University of Maine, Orono, he learned much about the custom equipment business at NESLAB Instruments designing water chilling systems. Following this he spent 15 years working for BTU International where he designed and lead projects for conveyorized furnaces using in the electronics and solar industry. During this time, he earned his master’s in mechanical engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. It was at BTU where Geoff began to see the value of concurrent engineering. Geoff joined AS&E in 2011 where he led the mechanical team to introduce state-or-the-art x-ray products for the security market.
Three years after joining AS&E (now Rapiscan Systems) in 2011, the leadership team introduced the concept of Lean Product Development. Geoff joined the leadership team reading many Lean PD books, inviting Lead PD practitioners to AS&E and attending LPPDE for several consecutive years. AS&E has roundly embraced the concurrent engineering aspects of Lean PD focusing greatly of Set-Base Innovation and cross-functional collaboration with our supply chain and manufacturing team. In 2022, Geoff took the role of Director of Continuous Product Improvement and Configuration Management. In his new role, he continues to leverage his learning from 8-years for practicing LPPD.
Geoff has been a member of the board of Lean Product and Process Development Exchange since 2019. Today he is still learning and experimenting with lean processes and enjoys the pride felt in enabling a cross-functional team to achieve challenging, rewarding goals.

Networking Lunch and Coaching Sessions

Transformation at Northrop Grumman
Suzette Johnson, NG Fellow, Lean-Agile at Northrop Grumman Corporation, Space Sector
Dr. Suzette Johnson works for Northrop Grumman Corporation. As an NG Fellow for Lean Agile and Digital integration, she works for Space Systems fostering operational and program excellence to achieve mission and business outcomes. Her experience with Lean Agile began over twenty years ago with experience across IT systems and software and systems engineering for cyber-physical systems.
She has led the adoption of Lean Agile across the enterprise and has supported over 100 internal projects and government programs on the Lean Agile journey. She is a Scaled Agile Fellow and SPCT and holds several certifications including Certified Enterprise Coach, PMP, and PMI-ACP. She recently completed MIT’s Digital Transformation certificate program and has received a Doctorate of Management Technology at the University of Maryland with a dissertation focused on investigating the Impact of leadership styles on software project outcomes in traditional and agile environments.
Suzette Johnson, with Robin Yeman, has co-authored multiple papers on Industrial DevOps through IT Revolution and has recently published a book, Industrial DevOps: Build Better Systems Faster, which outlines how to expand Lean, Agile, DevOps, and Digital outside of software and into cyber-physical systems.

Improving Innovation Flow with Large Language Models
Steve Zielinski, Vice President of Systems and Software Engineering at Future Cardia
Large Language Models offer the opportunity to improve product development flow throughout the new product development lifecycle. This presentation will explore how LLMs can improve the workflow from Product Manager to Test Engineer. Our product example will be drawn from the medical device space and we will also explore integrating Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) tools into the workflow.
Steve Zielinski is currently Vice President of Systems and Software Engineering at Future Cardia. He was previously Vice President of Development for Bioelectronic Therapies at Orchestra Biomed and has held positions in systems and software engineering at Cirtec, Boston Scientific, and Medtronic. In each of these companies he was instrumental in introducing Agile new product development methodologies. He is the author of The Great Convergence: Merging Lean, Agile, and Knowledge-based New Product Development.

Networking Break

Building Enterprise Excellence for Innovation
Tony Wilcox, VP, Front End Innovation at Milwaukee Tools
The presentation is about building enterprise excellence for innovation, building innovative value streams. It starts with understanding the customer’s needs, through commercialization all the way from idea to satisfied customer. Tony will share some of the thinking behind transforming innovation teams to deliver great products that succeed in the market.
Tony Wilcox is a global engineering and business leader with over 25 years of experience managing and innovating multi-billion worldwide businesses. He has a proven track record of transforming business, building high-performing teams and delivering unmatched customer outcomes that drive profitable growth.
As VP Engineering for Milwaukee Tool, Tony leads the Front End Innovation teams in our hyper growth businesses in Safety, Storage, Layout, and Hand Tools. Together, they accelerate growth through deeply understanding their users and creating innovative solutions through applying design thinking, materials innovation, industry and university partnerships.

Networking Break

Learning Circles
30min Reflection + 45min teach back of key takeaways + 15min Summarize key learnings
The learning circles are guided by an experienced coach.
- We start with a 30 minutes reflection in each team and summary of the learnings.
- Then we gather the entire group to teach back of the key take aways
- The conference chairs will then summarize the key learnings of the visit

17:30 - 18:00
Closing Address – How will you disseminate this at home
Carolyn Carter, Chair of the conference, LPPDE
What learnings and practices will you be taking back with you to apply on Monday morning?
Back to work:
- Share your learnings
- Run experience
- Learn fast
- Implement

Thursday, October 3, 2024
Post-Conference Workshop
What really happened with the Wright Bros
Andy Wagner + Carolyn Carter, Process Engineer, BCA Future Production at Boeing + Principle consultant at Carolyn Carter Consulting
The first half-day is dedicated to the Product Development system created by the Wright Brothers, from where and how they started until the first successful flight.
The Wright Brothers had their theoretical experience from their bicycle repair shop and very scarce resources, but they had a common vision: To fly!
This is the story of how they detected their critical knowledge gaps, used their ingenuity to define how to test and build knowledge to ultimately achieve their goal.


13:30 - 17:00
How to Create Visible Knowledge
Andy Wagner + Carolyn Carter, Process Engineer, BCA Future Production at Boeing + Principle consultant at Carolyn Carter Consulting
After lunch the workshop continues and we will learn how to effectively document reusable project knowledge, with the documents generated through definition and execution of the learning plan.
Andy Wagner has been a student of aerospace production systems for his entire career, striving to understand their technical, business, and human aspects, and how the unique aerospace context influences their performance. A sponge for ideas in this domain, Andy is continually testing approaches against the lens of his current and past work to find novel and hybrid solutions to persistent problems.
- 8+ Years leading automation, producibility and process improvement teams and initiatives
- 12+ Years in manufacturing-technical functions, (process engineer, manufacturing engineer, and quality engineer)
- 17+ Years of collaborative Design-Build engineering experience in aerospace
- Lead, coach, and mentor continuous improvement and integration between engineering and manufacturing
- Focused on understanding problems and root causes to drive meaningful solutions
Carolyn Carter is Principal Consultant at Carolyn Carter Consulting after an extensive career at the Kimberly-Clark Corporation where she got her experience in Research Product Development with additional focus on Lean and LPPD in Development, and Engineering, Operations and Quality in Manufacturing.
Carolyn's experience include:
- Leader of Lean Product and Process Development launch across multiple Business Units
- Co-lead of Lean Product and Process Development launch into Research Teams
- Lean Coordinator for initial launch of Lean Culture into Research Team
- Product Developer in programs across multiple businesses
- Product Development Leader for commercialization of large Personal Care Program
- Leadership and development of Process Optimization Program Product Supply for North America and European Personal Care
- Lean Strategic and A3 Problem Solving applications as Quality Manager in Personal Care Manufacturing
- Quality Manager in multiple regulated and non-regulated Personal Care Manufacturing Plants
Agenda under development, minor changes pending

Register Now!
LPPDE events have an impressive gathering of lean product and process development practitioners. We’ve assembled an impressive lineup of keynote speakers.