by Suzanne van Egmond | Nov 3, 2020 | Improvement Success, Lean Product Development
Tips for virtual lean workshops Product development highly depends on people working together. Breaking down silos in development projects is one of the first improvements to do when it’s not working: making sure everyone can see the whole – and how their own bit...
by Suzanne van Egmond | Sep 8, 2019 | Behaviors
In the 2018 Btoes Insights study “the Global state of operational excellence” 53.1% or respondents say that changing the company culture is the most important thing to address. One Of the most critical challenges is to get a leadership understanding and buy-in...
by Suzanne van Egmond | Aug 18, 2019 | Knowledge
At LPPDE Europe 2018 (Paris) I joined the workshop of Penny Cloft and Michael Kennedy. The workshop was on set-based engineering (SBE). If you are like me, then you know that set-based engineering is one of those things any lean product development novice learns it is...
by Suzanne van Egmond | Jul 8, 2017 | Knowledge
When I reflect on the conference theme of LPPDE North America 2017 in San Jose: Accelerating Innovation, an apparently counter intuitive insight comes to my mind. To accelerate innovation you need to slow down. Wow! How can that be done? When I work slower I cannot be...
by Suzanne van Egmond | May 6, 2016 | Lean Product Development
In lean implementation in factories or transactional offices, typically, one value stream is considered: the flow from incoming material to shipped product. Starting from that value stream, the non-value adding steps are eliminated or reduced to create more flow.In...