by Suzanne van Egmond | Sep 8, 2019 | Behaviors
In the 2018 Btoes Insights study “the Global state of operational excellence” 53.1% or respondents say that changing the company culture is the most important thing to address. One Of the most critical challenges is to get a leadership understanding and buy-in...
by Alan Maloney | Jul 29, 2018 | Exchange, Lean Product Development
A journeyI am a trained scientist. Science taught me to be curious about learning, and to always ask “what else is possible?”. The stories of great scientists, enlightened men and women, who, in the face of adversity, trusted in the raw evidence of their scientific...
by Suzanne van Egmond | Apr 15, 2016 | Lean Product Development
Why leadership and team behaviors are essential to achieve excellence Many organizations seek to improve performance in a sustainable way. R&D departments are no different. Lean offers a holistic approach to improve: holistic, because it does not only contain...